Friday, February 29, 2008

Who Started Reiki ?

It is thought that Reiki originated as Tibetan - Buddhist Practice that was rediscovered in the late 1800's by "Dr.Usui Mikao " a Japanese Buddhist . Dr. Usui Mikao recieved ability to do Reiki Treatment At Kori-Yam Parbat with Reiki Symbols and Reiki Chakras and the Ability to pass Reiki on others. Later he Added the Reiki Idals and the idea that one needs to receive compaensation for a treatment.
Reiki is not a superstition .Reiki is used in traditional form , as developed by Dr.Usui in The Usui System Of Natural Healing. Dr.Hyashi added the standard Hand positions , And The three degrees and their Attuenment Processes.