Monday, March 31, 2008

Faith in Reiki Healing................ You can be Cured

Anyone can be treated by Reiki but their heart has to be in the right place in order for a healing to take place.God can heal anyone, at anytime. I think that certain people don't receive the healing, not intentionally but through their own hearts. Perhaps not letting go of past hurts, unforgiveness, etc can block a person's full recovery. Most illnesses, not all, are all associated with the mind/body connection. A very strong connection which effects Reiki healing. An imbalance in that connection can bring on disease. So if a person truly changes their mindset, which probably caused the illness in some way, by lowering their immune system, it can also fight the disease by changing the negative mindset.

How Reiki Heals Us Using Chakras ?

Reiki flows around us in a field of energy layers called the "Aura." Reiki flows within the physical body though pathways called "Chakras, Meridians and Nadis.For the nourishment of the organs and cells of the body , constant , uninturrupted supply of reiki is needed. When this flow of life force is disrupted, it causes diminished function in one or more of the organs and tissues of the physical body and illness can manifest.We are alive because Reiki (our life force) is flowing through us.

Reiki heals by being channeled by the Reiki Healer to the physical body or Aura where there are disruptions or blockages in its flow. This supplies the needed Reiki and helps clear any blockages that are present so the Reiki can flow in a healthy and natural way.

Monday, March 10, 2008

What is Reiki ?

Reiki is usually described as Universal Life energy, which is at best a crude translation from the Japanese. Reiki a healing energy, but it goes further than that helping you in spritual growth also . A Reiki treatment consists of laying the hands on the body in a prescribed pattern and allowing the energy of life to flow through the hands to the person being treated.